Lesson 1:
Zero Seconds Basketball Skills Training
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Zero Seconds Skills Training is focused on improving ball skills. Dribbling, ball handling, passing and shooting are taught through fast-paced and rhythmic learning opportunities. We mix many of those skills together rather than training them in isolation.

We believe that the most open an offensive player is going to get is when they first catch the ball. As such there are no predetermined movements. We want technical aspects of offensive play executed quickly and decisively with no pause on the catch. This means that as soon as a player’s feet hit the ground they are immediately into their shot, pass, or drive. As a result we do not emphasize jabs or fakes but rather we want our players to make decisive decisions on the catch about whether to shoot, dribble or pass.

In a game situation, skills are executed after perception and decisions are made. So it is important to coach perception and decision making as much as biomechanical skill. In all these games examples a player is able to apply skill quickly and decisively because they have first perceived and decided what to do prior to the skill execution.

Another important part of our zero seconds philosophy is freedom. All players are problem solvers. Every game situation provides a problem that must be solved as efficiently and effectively as possible. One of the keys to problem solving is freedom. A player who is free to make the best decisions in the best interest of the team without being burdened by absolutes and musts can solve more problems than a player who is not free. 

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